

Carl Nordlund

Associate professor at The Institute for Analytical Sociology, Linköping University. Project lead for , an inter-disciplinary research project using full-population register data to study ethnic relations and integration in Sweden, Denmark and Finland. Methodological expertise in network analysis, with a specialization on role-analysis and blockmodeling techniques. Research output »

Software developer with 10+ years of professional experience as a fullstack developer with an extensive and diverse portfolio. Proficiency and actively working in C#/.NET, R, Python, PHP and Javascript, with previous working experience in Java, Perl, and Z80 assembler. Course director and teacher in graduate course in statistics, data science and introductory programming in R.


PhD, Human ecology


Department of Human Geography, Lund University, Sweden

Thesis monograph: Social Ecography; Network Analysis, International Trade and an Emmanuelian Conceptualization of Ecological Unequal Exchange

MA, Human ecology


Department of Human Geography, Lund University, Sweden

BA, Human ecology


Department of Human Geography, Lund University, Sweden

MSc program, Computer science & engineering

1993-1996 (not completed)

Lund Technical College (LTH), Lund University, Sweden

Completed courses in programming, computer technology, algorithms & data structures, digital design, object-oriented modeling and design, physics, mathematics, electronics etc (97.5 ECTS)

Professional Experience

Management consultant

Nov 2024 - Present

Governo Insikt AB, Stockholm, Sweden

Associate professor, docent (reader)

Oct 2021 - Present (part-time from Nov 2024)

The Institute for Analytical Sociology, Linköping University, Sweden

  • Project lead and researcher in, a large interdisciplinary research project on ethnic relations and integration in Sweden, Finland and Denmark.
  • Course director, teacher and examiner for graduate courses in Statistics and Data Science, Research internships, and Organizational internships.
  • Director of studies (Jan 2022 - Present): planning courses, teacher allocations, evaluations and quality checking etc.
  • Conference chair, 31st Nordic Sociological Association conference, 14-18 August 2024.

Assistant professor

Jun 2017 - Sep 2021

The Institute for Analytical Sociology, Linköping University, Sweden

  • Course director, teacher and examiner for graduate courses in Statistics and Data Science, Research internships, and Organizational internships.
  • Program director for 2-year international MSc program in Computational Social Science, Linköping University.

Postdoctoral research positions

2011 - 2017

The Institute for Analytical Sociology, Linköping University, Sweden

  • Department of Economic History, Lund university (Sep - Dec 2016)
  • Department of Sociology and Political Science, European University Institute (EUI), Italy (Feb 2015 - May 2016)
  • Department of Network and Data Science, Central European University (CEU), Hungary (Sep 2011 - Apr 2014, Jan - May 2017)


1999 - Present


Running my own company in the fields of programming and interdisciplinary research support. Working primarily for various external clients - corporate, public and NGO:s - as well as initiating and running several internal projects (see portfolio).


  • All
  • Research
  • Coding
  • Internal
  • External
  • Web
  • Visualization
  • Sustainability
  • Electronics
  • Games
  • ZX Spectrum
  • Fun


Game coding tutorial for Datormagazin


Community for Nordic arcade game nerds


Community for Möllevången neighborhood in Malmö

Valkalkylator 2010

Party affiliation test for Expressen

Klimatsmart campaign

Community and sustainability calculators for TV4


Network visualizations in C#/WPF

Network Dynamics of Ethnic integration

The direct blockmodeling client

Sword of Fargoal

ZX Spectrum conversion



Online condom store and subscription service


Mini-ITX-based icq-controlled mp3-player


Home-made fun


Bivariate visual analytics for SAMS regions


Textile handicraft



Household metabolism tool for KTH


Asteroids in C#/XNA

Ecological footprints for schools

Ecological footprinting for WWF Sweden


Force-directed spherical networks visualization

Valkalkylator 2018

Party affiliation test

Fingerprints of National Production Structures

Visualizing national economic complexity


Various digital and analog projects


3D isometric game in Z80 assembler

Odin Applet

Satellite sensor software for Swedish Space Corporation



  • Estévez, J.L., Nordlund, C. (2025) Revising the Borgatti-Everett core-periphery model: Inter-categorical density blocks and partially connected cores. Social Networks, 81, pp. 31-51. |
  • Nordlund, C. (2023) Transformations, Trajectories, and Similarities of National Production Structures: A Comparative Fingerprinting Approach. PLoS ONE 18(12): e0295568. |
  • Nordlund, C. (2020) Direct Blockmodeling of Valued and Binary Networks: A Dichotomization-free Approach. Social Networks, 61, pp. 128-143. |
  • Nordlund, C., Wennberg, K. (2020) Potential Labor Supply Consequences of Closing Primary Schools in Sweden, with a Focus on Health Care Occupations (unpublished report). |
  • Nordlund, C., Ziberna, A. (2019) Blockmodeling of Valued Networks. In Doreian, P., Batagelj, V., Ferligoj, A. (eds.), Advances in Network Clustering and Blockmodeling, New Jersey: Wiley & Sons Inc., pp. 147-184. |
  • Kahancova, M., Martiskova, M, Nordlund, C. (2019) Enhancing the Effectiveness of Social Dialogue Articulation in Europe: Conceptual and Analytical Framework in a Multi-level Governance Perspective. Central European Labour Studies Institute (CELSI) Discussion paper. |
  • Nordlund, C. (2019) En nätverksanalys av Familjebildningsmönster mellan olika etniska grupper i Sverige. In Hedström, P (ed.), Segregation. RJ:s Skriftserie. Stockholm: Madadam förlag, pp. 79-89. |
  • Akgüç, M., Martišková, M., Szüdi, G., Nordlund, C. (2019) Stakeholders' Views on and Experiences with the Articulation of Social Dialogue and its Effectiveness. Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies. |
  • Nordlund, C. (2018) Power-relational Core-periphery Structures: Peripheral Dependency and Core Dominance in Binary and Valued Networks. Network Science, 6(3), pp. 348-369. |
  • Vedres, B., Nordlund, C. (2018) Disembedded Openness: Inequalities in European Economic Integration at the Sectoral Level. Studies in Comparative International Development, 53(2), pp. 169-195. |
  • Nordlund, C., Fierascu, S.I. (2018) Introduction to the Special Issue on Social and Political Networks. Romanian Journal of Political Science, 18(1), pp. 4-7. |
  • Nordlund, C. (2016) A Deviational Approach to Blockmodeling of Valued Networks. Social Networks, 44, pp. 160-178. |
  • Svensson, S., Nordlund, C. (2015) The Building Blocks of a Euroregion: Novel Metrics to Measure Cross-border Integration. Journal of European Integration, 37(3), pp. 371-389. |
  • Nordlund, C. (2014) Preceding and Governing Measurements: An Emmanuelian Conceptualization of Ecological Unequal Exchange. In Suter, C. and Chase-Dunn, C. (eds.), Structures of the World Political Economy, Zurich: Lit-verlag, pp. 315-346. |
  • Nordlund, C. (2013) International Networks. In Barnett, G. (ed), Encyclopedia of Social Networks, Volume 1, SAGE Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA, pp. 425-431. |
  • Nordlund, C. (2010) Social Ecography: International Trade, Network Analysis, and an Emmanuelian Conceptualization of Ecological Unequal Exchange. [Doctoral Thesis (monograph), Human Ecology]. Department of Social and Economic Geography, Lund University. |
  • Nordlund, C. (2010) Markanvändningsanalys av svensk produktion, konsumtion och utrikeshandel av primära grödor. Naturvårdsverket, Dnr 230-7091-09 Mk. Stockholm: Naturvårdsverket.
  • Nordlund, C. (2009) International Trade in Fuel Commodities: A Network Approach. In Hornborg, A., Jorgenson, A. (eds), International Trade and Environmental Justice: Towards a Global Political Ecology, pp. 63-88. |
  • Nordlund, C. (2007) Identifying Regular Blocks in Valued Networks: A Heuristic Applied to the St. Marks Carbon Flow Data, and International Trade in Cereal Products. Social Networks, 29(1), pp. 59-69. |
  • Nordlund, C. (2004) A Critical Comment on the Taylor Approach for Measuring World-city Interlock Linkages. Geographical Analysis, 36(3), pp. 290-296. |

Fellowships, grants, awards

NordForsk Programme for Interdisciplinary Research
Main applicant and project lead for a 4-year Nordic research project on inter-ethnic relations in Denmark, Finland and Sweden. See
World Society Foundation Award of Excellence
Award received for the paper Preceding and Governing Measurements: an Emmanuelian Conceptualization of Ecological Unequal Exchange, presented at the PEWS/WSF conference in Riverside, California, 12-13 April, 2013.
Postdoctoral fellowship (2 years), Central European University
Recipient of the CEU 20th Anniversary fellowship on 'Network Analysis in the Political Context', at the Department of Political Science; Center for Network Science, Central European University, Budapest.
Postdoctoral fellowship (10 months), Central European University
Postdoctoral fellowship with 'Networks and Innovation' theme. Center for Network Science, Central European University, Budapest.
Development grant, .SE Foundation
Awarded a grant (10,000 EUR) to design and implement the online community for the Möllevången city district in Malmö, Sweden.

Teaching and administrative

Director of studies (2022 - present)
Director of studies at the Institute for Analytical Sociology, Linköping university.
Program director, MSc in Computational Social Science (Jan 2020-Sep 2021)
Management and directorship of the international 2-year Masters programme in Computational Social Science, provided by the Institute for Analytical Sociology, Linköping university.
Course director and teacher, Statistics and Data Science 1 (2019 - present)
Planning and conducting a graduate course in introductory statistics and data science, aimed at 1st year students in the MSc program in Computational Social Science at Linköping university.
Course director and teacher, Social-scientific network analysis (2015)
Planning and conducting a graduate course on social-scientific network analysis for PhD students at European University Institute, Florence.
Course director and teacher, Social-scientific network analysis (2015)
Planning and conducting a graduate course on social-scientific network analysis for PhD students at European University Institute, Florence.
Assistant teacher, Network Science and Applications (2012-2014)
Teacher assistant on graduate course on network science and its applications, held by professor Barabasi at CEU (3 occurrences). Tasks involved supervising, grading and part lecturing.
Assistant teacher, Fundamental ideas in Network Science (2012-2014)
Teacher assistant on graduate course on fundamentals in network science, held by professor Kertesz at CEU (3 occurrences). Tasks involved supervising, grading, administration and lecturing.
Course director and teacher, Global Environmental Justice (2004-2006)
Planning and conducting undergraduate online course at Human Ecology Division, Lund university (5 occurrences).


  • Peer-reviewing: Ambio, Cities journal, Conservation Biology, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, Journal of Complex Networks, Journal of World-Systems Research, Social Networks, GeoJournal, British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, Journal of Computational Social Science, Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, Geographical analysis, Romanian Journal of Political Science
  • Supervision of several MSc/BA thesis, main supervisor of PhD thesis, co-supervisor of a couple of PhD theses. PhD thesis committee member at Department of Environmental Science, CEU, Department of Sociology, Corvinus university, Department of Sociology, Indiana University Bloomington.


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